A Bit About Us
For ten years, Eagle Wings Academy was a small Christian school providing a tuition-free, Biblically-based education to Syracuse children who could not afford to attend a traditional private school.
In June 2018 we transitioned to an organization that provides funding and support to urban children who otherwise would not be able to attend a private Christian school. Currently, we are partnering with Faith Heritage School, where our scholarship students can enroll and receive the help needed to do their best in a private school.
Our Board and volunteers are committed to serving the Lord and the families He entrusts to us. We remain totally dependent on the Lord to provide the funding for scholarships and a full-time administrative support coordinator.

Meet Our Team
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5
David Shipe, Chairman
Stephanie Dow, ASC, ex officio
Sue Auwarter
David Blanding, ex officio
Elaine Bodah
Len Flack
Mary Ann Lane
Elisabeth Looney
Michael Shingler
Anna Shipe