“My soul waits in silence for God alone; from Him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be greatly shaken.” (Psalm 62:1,2 NASB)
In this Psalm, David is stating that in the midst of oppression and attacks from his enemies, he knows that the Lord God is his source of refuge and strength. In the above verses, he declares that he is waiting in silence for God alone. As we continue our journey on earth, Scripture tells us that we will have tribulations, especially as we get closer to the Lord’s return. Things will most assuredly get worse, and it would be wise for us to learn this discipline of “waiting on the Lord in silence” now, so that we will have been well-exercised for when the battle heats up. The world system that we live in the midst of, is not particularly conducive to “waiting” and “silence”. The enemy of our souls will do anything to keep us from bringing ourselves in humble submission to the Lord, where He bids us to quietly wait for Him to act. We know that David had to wrestle within himself to do this, because of having to admonish and encourage himself in verse five “to wait only on the Lord”.
These words were written several thousand years ago as the Holy Spirit used David to pen them. They are for our learning, so that through perseverance and encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope. As we work with our Scholarship Students, we are ever mindful of preparing them for the work that the Lord has prepared for them to do, knowing that whatever that is, it will involve trials. We are intentionally addressing warnings that the Lord has put in Scripture, so that they will be aware of the fact that the world system is at enmity with God, be alert to what these dangers can look like and sound like and know that they must keep their eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus to finish the race well. The challenges they face from all the social media venues alone, are cause for great concern, because these increasingly put demands on their time, concentration, energy, loyalty, etc. The Lord God is given little thought or time, the enemy approves of this, and our children are drifting away from Biblical principles that are meant to bring us near to God. Prayer is one of our spiritual weapons which we must use in this fight for their souls!
We want to acknowledge Linda Squire, who has been one of our faithful volunteers and prayer partners, for years. She recently accepted the responsibility of helping with the writing of “Thank You Notes” that go out to our donors. This is a huge help, as we try to be diligent to acknowledge every gift that comes to support this ministry, as each one is part of how the Lord keeps us operational! Thank you, Linda.
We recently received a monetary gift in memory of one of our for- mer teachers and EWA Board members. Joe and Rosemarie No- vembrini were friends with David Leighton, as well as fellow church members at Hope Presbyterian Church. We are all still sor- rowing over David’s absence from our midst as he was a Godly teacher, leader, friend, and brother in the Lord!
A donation was sent to EWA from Ed and Alice Nanno in memory of Diane Stroman, who is dearly missed by her family and friends. Her love for the Lord Jesus and her keen sense of hu- mor made her a joy to be around. We consider it an honor and a privilege to have her remembered in this manner!
Jim and Erika Moore & Rose Biegler sent a donation to EWA in memory of Mr. Marvin Lloyd Dussinger, the father/father-in-law of Susan/Bob Schenkel. Marvin enjoyed a close relationship with his family and his presence will be dearly missed. We are grateful to the Lord for EWA being a means of remembering his life.
Our students are rewarded for work or behaviors that set them apart from their peers. Please take a moment to read what teachers had to say about our students and why they nominated them for an award!